I missed Interesting – the sort of thing that would be great to see (help organise?) here in Ireland. One of the little snippets that I’ve seen that i really like was Jim Le Fevre’s animation stuff. The Guardian posted one version of it here and there’s a version of it on Russell Davies’ blog too.

One thing that struck me right away was the similarity of the figures he used with a mural that many moons ago he painted on the wall of my younger sister’s flat in Kennington.


He used some pictures from the Isle of Wight and borrowed a few features such as the clinker built wooden sailing boats.




I love the detail-less but highly expressive faces and I like his neat little dedication to his patron Alice too!


When the time came for my sister to leave Kennington the mural was, er, on the wall. Not wanting to leave it there she found someone who specialises in picture restoration and salvage etc via the National Trust. They painstakingly steamed it off the wall (it’s about 4ft long by 1.5 ft tall) and pasted it, somehow, on to a solid backing. Now it trakes pride of place in her house in Devon.